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Posted 4:08 pm, 09/29/2009

I don't know if there are any postings about this new release from the creator of CSI, but I bought this book because I just had to have it (says with sarcasim). The hype about the book online was just too much for me to bear because I found it extremely interesting there was also a little "movie" that went along with certain chapters of the book. So I go down to Books a Million, pay my 20 some bucks for this new release, expecting to be blown away by this book. Not so much, I'm afraid to say . The characters were dull and lifeless. The plot was all over the place. And I can't get over the fact that it was dronned on and on about the fact that the main character was retired from the FBI at only 35 years old. It was a waste of money and a waste of a few nights of my life.

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