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Kindle devices... do you have one, do you like it?


Posted 3:40 pm, 09/28/2011

Yes I have one...yes I LOVE it!


Posted 12:36 pm, 09/28/2011

DaddyP, I contacted them on their chat line and just asked if they have a service center in the Winston Salem area, told them how I dropped it and they told me even though my dropping the device isn't covered under warranty, they'd replace it anyway. I didn't ask. What great customer service. I'm definitely an Amazon fan....

Daddy P

Posted 1:10 am, 09/25/2011

Ap if it is under a year old Amazon will replace it for you free. The letters started wearing off mine and they sent me another the very night I called about it. I had 30 days to send the old one back. Unfortunately the letters are wearing off the new one too, but I have decided to live with it. I figure it's going to happen with all the newer black ones. They said it was some kind of bad batch of ink but I think it is happening with all of them. I love it anyway!


Posted 10:19 am, 09/24/2011

Update....I dropped my Kindle in the parking lot at work struggling to get my laptop, purse and the kitchen sink back in my car in a hurry so I could go visit my sister in Hospice Care. The cover came open and it hit HARD on the corner. Still works....only have to push the on/off button back instead of it snapping back on its own. Pretty sturdy. I definitely recommend it.


Posted 8:45 am, 09/02/2011

I agree with Daddy P. My daughter only wants paper books....so on the books we both want to read we get hard books. That's the only occasion. I love my Kindle. I don't have to struggle to read inside causing me to break the spine and I can set the font size a little larger for my poor eyesight.. My ebooks never ever got worn out. :)


Posted 10:09 am, 08/25/2011

I appreciate your feedback. Thanks!

Daddy P

Posted 10:07 pm, 08/24/2011

I have a Kindle and I love it. I have had it a year and not one single day has passed that I don't use it. I read about 6 different things a day on it..from amazon blogs, devotionals, The Bible to novels. There are enough free books by amazon that you will never run out and also you can find free ones other places. I used to love real books..I love the smell of them and the feel of them but now that I have a Kindle I would much rather have a book on it than in real form. It's easier told hold and easier to cart around than 6 books. Go to Staples or Target and look at one.


Posted 4:24 pm, 08/24/2011

Do you use a Kindle or other eReader device? I'm thinking of getting one but not sure if I would like it. Share you insights with me, please.

I have recently joined www.obooko.com, it's free and you get to download all the eBooks you want! I use the PDF format for my PC (they also support Kindle and other eReader devices). There are many different categories and you can even send feedback to the authors! That's pretty cool, I've always wanted to tell a writer when they've screwed up the ending.

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