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Kanye West


Posted 3:48 pm, 02/10/2015

Preacher: "Kanye, do you take Kim to be your wife?"

Kanye: "I do."

Preacher: "Kim, do you take Kanye to be your husband?"

Kim: "I-

Kanye (grabs mic) "Yeah, she do!"


Posted 3:35 pm, 02/10/2015

Next year Kanye gets to pick all the winners for grammys so the red carpet won't take as long since it will just be he and Beyoncé.


Posted 3:35 pm, 02/10/2015


Posted 3:34 pm, 02/10/2015

I was walking along with my "worlds best friend" coffee mug when Kanye West walked up and slapped it outta my hands
Screaming "Beyonce is the worlds best friend!"


Posted 3:30 pm, 02/10/2015

Kim:..goodnight Kanye.

Kanye:..Yeah! Goodnight Kanye!


Posted 3:28 pm, 02/10/2015

But .. But.. I do love you that much, Chendo. (And the world would be in perfect harmony)


Posted 3:24 pm, 02/10/2015

i wish we could all love each other the way kanye loves kanye


Posted 3:06 pm, 02/10/2015

kanye sings a lullabye to his baby, and then gets pissed off when she falls asleep.

Note from GoNC: a portion of this post was removed that was in response to the earlier racism.


Posted 3:02 pm, 02/10/2015

Beck handled it in a very classy manner. Good for him. He gained the respect of a lot of people with the way he responded. Kanye needs to get a life.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 2:40 pm, 02/10/2015

I can't believe Kanye is lobbying for creativity and inspiration when a line from one of his songs is "...this week he mops da floors next week it's da fries" and Beyonce' offers "...don't be mad once you see he want it."

I love Beyonce' and own a Kenye cd because they're entertaining, not because of their particularly creative or "inspiring" me to go to work.


Posted 2:12 pm, 02/10/2015

Kanye was and still is a joke!!


Posted 1:33 pm, 02/10/2015

I think that he acts like this to get attention and it works. But he gets the wrong kind of attention. It shows him as a spoil sport and kinda like a bully. And his wife is "allowing him to dress, and accessorize" her. What? She cant do this herself? She's been doing all these years without him, I think she is looking tacky as all get out since he started "dressing" her. Trashy is the word that comes to mind. I just hope that their child doesn't grow up to be like them......but we shall see


Posted 12:40 pm, 02/10/2015

I removed a few posts that were in response to the earlier racism.


Posted 11:34 am, 02/10/2015

Kanye is a giant tool!

Kanye West is apparently lucky he interrupted alternative hero Beck instead of Kiss star Paul Stanley last night at the Grammys.
"Beck should've kicked Kanye right in the nuts and said, ‘Get the f— of MY stage!,'" Stanley declared on Facebook. West — who famously interrupted Taylor Swift's win at the 2009 VMAs to declare that Beyonce was more deserving of an award — pulled a similar stunt during Beck's Album of the Year acceptance speech last night. Although it seemed like a lighthearted joke or self-parody at the time, with West offering a sly smile and not actually speaking, later on he made it clear he had problems with Beck winning the award over Beyonce:
I don't even know what [Beck] said. I just know that, the Grammys, if they want real artists to keep coming back, they need to stop playing with us. … And Beck needs to respect artistry, he should have given his award to Beyoncé. At this point, we tired of it. What happens is, when you keep on diminishing art, and not respecting the craft, and smacking people in the face after they deliver monumental feats of music, you're disrespectful to inspiration. We, as musicians, have to inspire people who go to work every day, and they listen to that Beyoncé album, and they feel like it takes them to a different place. … I am here to fight for creativity. That's why I didn't say anything tonight, but you all knew what it meant when ‘Ye stepped on that stage.
For his part, Beck seems to be taking the whole thing in stride, saying "I was just so excited he [West] was coming up. He deserves to be onstage as much as anybody … How many great records has he put out in the last five years, right?"

Read More: Paul Stanley Says Beck Should Have Kicked Kanye West 'Right in the Nuts' | http://ultimateclassicrock....ck=tsmclip


Posted 10:56 am, 02/10/2015

He will get a free pass as usual because he is black.


Posted 10:36 am, 02/10/2015

Kanye was trying to be funny and failed miserably.


Posted 10:22 am, 02/10/2015

Beck was classy in handling it though. He said he still loved Kanye. That's the spirit!


Posted 10:20 am, 02/10/2015

I just wonder if Kanye has 'something' going on with Beyonce???


Posted 9:56 am, 02/10/2015

I didn't see it. Was it supposed to be a joke?


Posted 9:51 am, 02/10/2015

He"s a Pig

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