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June The Constant Gardener


Posted 4:30 pm, 07/28/2006

I've never really liked to read books about corrupt governments or espionage, but this book was really good. I have since bought a few more of Le Carre books.


Posted 2:45 am, 07/28/2006

I bought mine in Winston at barnes and noble. The book is kind of going slow for me. I don't know if it is me or the book. I just can't read much for some reason. I am liking it but finding it a struggle to get through. I cheated and watched the movie and loved it. I will have to finish the book though. I have some kind of obsession that if I start a book I have to finish it. What has everyone else thought of it?


Posted 4:55 pm, 07/26/2006

You'll probably have to go to Barnes and Noble in Hickory to get it. Have you tried Browse About Books? She has alot to choose from even though they are used.


Posted 11:10 pm, 07/25/2006

I have looked all over town for a copy of this book to buy. Any idea where it could be purchased?


Posted 6:56 am, 07/15/2006

The movie is excellent, but like all movies from books, it does it no justice.


Posted 7:55 pm, 07/13/2006

didnt they make that into a movie?


Posted 3:41 am, 07/09/2006

Glad to see someone else is reading the book. I haven't been able to read very much. I will chime in when I have read more.


Posted 10:03 pm, 07/02/2006

So is everyone enjoying this book? I know it gets a little slow a few times, but it is an awesome book.


Posted 11:22 am, 06/20/2006

Count me in, I have been out of town so my reading my be a little slow and behind. Cant wait to read this, lol it will have to be a superb book to top last months read!!!! Happy Reading!


Posted 8:17 am, 06/17/2006

I didn't read the Kite Runner, but I will promise you The Constant Gardner will be a very great read.


Posted 2:27 am, 06/16/2006

If anyone is interested I will be reading The Constant Gardener this month. The last book was so good. I hope some have read it.

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