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Jon Stewart is Leaving the Daily Show

this n that

Posted 9:54 am, 02/11/2015

And I keep wondering how liberals think they can keep perpetuating the myth of how intelligent they are.

Hillary, and Brian, telling lies... all those witnesses, all those cameras...and they keep lying? sounds really stupid to me.


Posted 9:53 am, 02/11/2015

Why does everyone think Jon Stewart is a hero?

It is all scripted satire. But it is very odd that he is quitting/resigning.
Something is not right.

this n that

Posted 9:46 am, 02/11/2015

Yes, this morning Fox news is all over the Hilliary Clinton lies about being shot at in Bosnia.

What nonsense. No one needs to remember what a whopper she told. What difference at this point does it make?

Why there was even a retired Col. who was there when she landed, telling the truth of how it really happened, and you know how the truth gets in the way of things.

Especially when her lie suggests the military couldn't protect the "first lady" properly. The Col. didn't like that much.

No need to get upset about that. Right?

And with the next election season coming up,, I bet Fox news will be running that clip of her telling people how she had to "run with her head down" to escape to safety, over and over.
And you know Hannity will never let that go.

And you know what... I bet her opponents will make ads showing all that as well.

All that truth, and video tapes,, it doesn't look good for Hillary.

Poor ole lying Hillary.


Posted 8:15 am, 02/11/2015

Pineapple, I agree. Who's going to sit thru hours of idiotic nonsense that is Fox News and give me the highlights?


Posted 8:06 am, 02/11/2015

I like jon stewart. I didn't always agree with him but he spoke the truth even if it was not what people wanted to hear. I wonder if his hostilities toward Obama and politically correct liberals did him in.

sparkling water

Posted 8:19 pm, 02/10/2015

I was wrong. He was fired for accidentally telling a truth.

sparkling water

Posted 8:11 pm, 02/10/2015

He probably got caught lying about something.


Posted 8:02 pm, 02/10/2015

Who's going to watch Fox News for idiotic clips so I don't have to?


Posted 8:01 pm, 02/10/2015

Don't panic, the other two comedians are waiting in the wings. The Owl and the Cow


Posted 8:01 pm, 02/10/2015

Jon Stewart is running for prez. He said No To Hillary.


Posted 7:59 pm, 02/10/2015

Later this year. I feel so sad and abandoned. First Colbert, now you? Now who is going to get me through the 2016 political season? Couldn't you have held on until 2017, Jon?


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