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"Invisible Prey"


Posted 11:36 pm, 05/09/2009

I finished the book and I liked it. Except for certain offensive subject matter. Other than that it was good.


Posted 1:49 pm, 04/12/2009

I guess the book bother me because I hate even watch the news it is so depressing and I want to enjoy life. I know bad things happen but i hate having them pushed down my throat so I will stick to books that uplift me and make me smile.


Posted 11:00 pm, 04/11/2009

I apologize. Speaking for myself, I would enjoy a book more with all the rough words and subject matter omitted.


Posted 11:33 pm, 04/10/2009

"we would enjoy a book more with all the rough words and subject matter omitted."

Speak for yourself.

Says the guy who lists A Clockwork Orange as his favorite novel.


Posted 5:38 pm, 04/10/2009

Yes, it is. He is very graphic. I love mysteries but I don't think I could read his book if I were home alone.


Posted 8:36 pm, 04/08/2009

Is this book by John Sandford I read his first few prey books and the Eyes of Prey gave me nightmares for weeks. He is very graphic.


Posted 9:05 pm, 04/07/2009

I am reading a book called, "Invisible Prey". I always feel compelled to finish a book once I start reading it. I enjoy mysteries but the book is too raw for me. I wish that authors would realize that we would enjoy a book more with all the rough words and subject matter omitted. It would be a good book if the words were smoothed out.

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