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Introducing "Shadow Spell"


Posted 1:41 pm, 11/10/2010

I am aware I have some spelling issues to work on. I blame my work on the Specul Kat* comics!

But seriously though, thanks for the constructive criticism and I'm glad you like my writing style.

*Specul Kat: my comic strip character who is a stray kitten who lives on Boomswank, a tiny island in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle and goes on adventures with his stray animal friends, Dull the dog, Ratt the Rodent, Sci-Fi the radioactive cat, Purple the green dog, and Frank the fish with rabies. All of them have identity crises problems and were the runts of their litters. Together they go on fun adventures and try to save the world from the Evil Trigonometry Lords, Marty the mole, and Dave the happy unicorn! All of the 'Specul Krew' are still kids so they see things in a very unique way (that's also why there are lots of things that are misspelled and why math teachers are the primary bad guys ) But there is a lesson to be learned in all the madness, just because your not the 'pick of the litter', doesn't mean you can't make a difference.


Posted 7:07 pm, 11/09/2010

Well, I am guilty, too. The correct spelling is "grammar".


Posted 6:32 pm, 11/09/2010

Please take this as constructive criticism. You may have great plots, great characters and great dialog, but you really need a better grounding in basic grammer and spelling before you will attract much of a readership. Following are a few examples that I found in the first few paragraphs: "loosing" should be "losing', several instances of "it's" (a contraction of "it is") should be "its", "your" in one instance should be "you're" (a contraction of "you are"), and many others. Spell check won't help much with these kinds of errors, but a good grammar book and dictionary will.


Posted 10:38 pm, 10/31/2010

You write really cool. Very creative.


Posted 11:47 am, 10/25/2010

Well Turtle Dove, I am a BIG sci-fi fan so it only makes since that a my work reflects what inspires me.

Turtle Dove

Posted 2:02 pm, 10/24/2010

Sorry Slayer, Sounds like a lot of Sci Fi movies rolled into one.


Posted 9:47 pm, 10/18/2010




Posted 12:02 pm, 10/16/2010

"Shadow Spell" has been submitted and will hopefully the whole story will be up soon just in time to give you chills this Halloween. Stay tuned for the link!


Posted 12:28 pm, 10/13/2010

so no one is interested at all? Sad that no one supports local authors.


Posted 12:17 pm, 10/05/2010

It's time for a sneak peek! Want to know what happens next? let me know!

It's been ten years; ten long miserable years. Every day drags into another sleepless night. I do not live, I survive. Each new sunrise yields another night I must battle though. I have all but forgotten what life normal was like. I was only ten years old when it happened, I should have known that it would return; the bane of my existence, the shadow spell....

I am Samantha Byers, a dream warrior. I am the only one of my kind. My living **** started ten years ago. I was only a little girl when it happened.

The Shadow Spell is an ancient evil that exist solely to cover the world in darkness. If I don't fight it, the Shadow Spell will succeed. No one, not even Destiny knows where the spell originated, by whom, or for what purpose it was originally serve. All we know now is that it has been unleashed again.


Posted 1:52 pm, 10/04/2010

YAY! Shadow Spell is finished! Just got to spell check! more details coming soon .


Posted 3:57 pm, 09/13/2010

Get ready for my scariest short story ever. "Shadow Spell" is coming soon just in time for the Halloween Season.

"Shadow Spell" tells the story of a girl named Samantha Byers and her struggle with an ancient evil called the shadow spell. The curse lurks in the shadows and feeds off of the negative energy of your nightmares. The more it feeds the more powerful the nightmares becomes until your nightmare is no longer just a dream, it's reality. The spell power grows until you die from your fear then it moves on to it's next host. Each life it claims moves it closer to encasing the world into eternal darkness. Samantha has survived and must find a way to destroy the spell once and for all to bring peace before the spell takes her life. Samantha soon becomes mankind's only hope for survival and discoverers that you are never too old to be afraid of the dark...

Story coming soon! E-mail hnroverthorne@yahoo.com with "Shadow Spell" in the subject line for a sneak peek of the terrifying tale.

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