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I think this is going too far


Posted 3:31 pm, 05/23/2014

Sooo, who took the picture? Wasn't there at least one other person in the room with them?

The picture by itself, means nothing.


Posted 1:12 pm, 05/23/2014

I guess celebrities are just geared differently than the rest of us. I would not want to be famous. Imagine having people watching you all the time. I agree that DSS needs to pay better attention to the cases that really need it, but then again, this is a minor and she has no business being on a bed with a half naked man who is 7 years older than her. It's probably innocent, but I can't think of any good reason for a 20 year old would be wanting to hang out with a 13 year old who still looks like a little girl. No good can come from it.


Posted 9:03 am, 05/23/2014

It is beyond me why people get so caught up in the lives of celebrities...who cares?? There is a lady that sits near me at work and she is so loud!! I will hear her talking about celebrities like she hangs out with them. Crazy!!


Posted 8:14 am, 05/23/2014

I care simply because investigating a family based on that picture takes resources away from cases where children ARE actually being abused and neglected. When kids die at the hands of parents/step-parents, the excuse from protective services is always that they are so overloaded and overwhelmed that some cases inevitably fall through the cracks.


Posted 7:32 am, 05/23/2014

who cares?


Posted 6:44 am, 05/23/2014

I think the issue is because the parents stated they don't punish their kids for anything or set rules for them. They said they let the 2 kids make their own decisions and then they have to.clean up their own messes. I guess I am old fashioned, but my 13 year old is not going to be on a bed with any boy who's not family and she is not going to be hanging out with a 20 year old, period.


Posted 11:19 pm, 05/22/2014

I do think it's funny how prudish America has become over the last generation. Brooke Shields did several sex and nude scenes in movies and photos while she was a minor, and no one said a thing. But today, let a girl lie on a bed, fully clothed, and people are calling in Social Services.


Posted 11:52 am, 05/22/2014

mommotwo (view profile)
Posted 9:49 am, 05/22/2014
Probably very innocent pic, just not very tasteful. I think we all probably end up in situations that look worse than what they are if you are just looking at a snap shot in time. She probably just has a bad case of posting too many pics on social media.

Like the time mommo was on a road trip and her husbands drink fell on the floorboard while he pulled to a stoplight and she quickly swooped down to pick it up right as the state trooper pulled alongside......


Posted 11:15 am, 05/22/2014

I'm gonna give them the benefit of doubt and assume that this is a daybed kinda thing that's stuck in a family room. Either way, no it's not really appropriate...but probably completely innocent.


Posted 10:25 am, 05/22/2014

I'm with Hope. Inappropriate, yes. Endangerment? NO.


Posted 10:17 am, 05/22/2014

I can not think of many situations where I would think it was in any way, shape or form appropriate for my 13 year old daughter to be hanging out on a bed with a 20 year old guy. I don't care if they are clothed, supervised and having a Bible study, it's simply not appropriate in my household and wouldn't be happening on my watch.

Having said that, the picture doesn't suggest that any form of neglect or abuse is taking place, at all. It simply suggests a parenting style that is different from my own. To investigate these people based solely on this picture is an abuse of power and a terrible waste of resources as far as I'm concerned.


Posted 10:02 am, 05/22/2014

NO.....the man on the bed with her.


Posted 10:01 am, 05/22/2014


Posted 9:57 am, 05/22/2014

Skin color? Is the man white

Will Smith white What have you been smoking


Posted 9:57 am, 05/22/2014

Skin color? Is the man white?


Posted 9:56 am, 05/22/2014

It was because of skin color as usual


Posted 9:54 am, 05/22/2014

Regardless of whether or not it was photographed, that young girl had no business being on the bed with an adult man, and vice versa. That's not "thinking dirty:" it's just common sense. I know we are in the midst of this "anything goes" society but, really folks?


Posted 9:49 am, 05/22/2014

Probably very innocent pic, just not very tasteful. I think we all probably end up in situations that look worse than what they are if you are just looking at a snap shot in time. She probably just has a bad case of posting too many pics on social media.


Posted 9:41 am, 05/22/2014

Government expenses are going down as more stupid people tweet and facebook their stupidity to the authorities as evidence so that less investigators are needed.


Posted 9:11 am, 05/22/2014

Beeblebrox42 (view profile)

now she's flopping them thangs out every chance she gets

Twinkle Toes 97

Posted 12:03 am, 05/22/2014

Maybe they're church buddies.

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