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I picked up four of Jan Karon's "Mitford" books at the book sale


Posted 4:48 pm, 09/27/2009

Radio, you WILL get hooked on the Mitford books! They get better with each successive reading too! ENJOY my friend!

Daddy P

Posted 2:32 pm, 09/27/2009

Bless your heart Radio! I hope you can find some great comfort in the books. If I can think of any that might be inspirational I will let you know. Do you like any non fiction books? There is one that is very good and uplifting. It is the book about the two girls who were in a car accident and they got them mixed up and told the family the wrong girl had passed. The family of the wrong girl nursed her in the hospital until they realized their daughter was really the one who died. It is kind of hard to explain. Anyway, it is a wonderful book. I will post a synopsis. Best wishes and enjoy your Mitford books!


Straight from the headlines comes the story of two students, one buried under the wrong name, one in a coma being cared for by the wrong family, and the heart wrenching discovery five weeks later that their identities had been mistakenly reversed.

From The Publisher: Meet Laura Van Ryn and Whitney Cerak: one buried under the wrong name, one in a coma and being cared for by the wrong family.

This shocking case of mistaken identity stunned the country and made national news. Would it destroy a family? Shatter their faith? Push two families into bitterness, resentment, and guilt?

Read this unprecedented story of two traumatized families who describe their ordeal and explore the bond sustaining and uniting them as they deal with their bizarre reversal of life lost and life found.

And join Whitney Cerak, the sole surviving student, as she comes to terms with her new identity, forever altered, yet on the brink of new beginnings.

Mistaken Identity weaves a complex tale of honesty, vulnerability, loss, hope, faith, and love in the face of one of the strangest twists of circumstances imaginable.

After a head-on collision between a van filled with college students and a semi truck left five people dead, the Cerak family sadly buried their daughter Whitney while the Van Ryn family hovered anxiously over their daughter Laura who was comatose in the hospital with massive wounds to the face and neck. Slowly the girl in the hospital began to recover, to speak, and to remember things--but something seemed wrong. Her boyfriend was the first to suspect something was amiss. Finally, nearly five weeks after the accident, the astonishing truth was discovered: the girl in the hospital was falsely identified as Laura: she was actually Whitney, who had already been buried and mourned over by the Cerak family. A crushing blow to the Van Ryns, a Lazarus-like miracle for the Ceraks--the story became a national headline news and brought the two families together. Two years later, members of both families have joined to write this amazing and heartbreaking tale about the faith that sustained them through their bizarre case of mistaken identity.


Posted 10:15 am, 09/27/2009

These books are wonderful. You will need to give the first book a while to get going...it takes some time to build a relationship with the characters in the stories...but once you do, you will be hooked. I am sorry you have had such a bad year. I think you will find that the people of Mitford will restore some of your hope in the goodness of others!


Posted 7:10 am, 09/27/2009

I picked up four of Jan Karon's "Mitford" series books at the book sale Saturday. I'm going to start wtih "At Home in Mitford", and if I like it, try to work my way through in order.

This has been an awful yeear. I lost my mom unexpectedly to cancer...it happened unbelievably fast. My vision has gotten remarkably poorer very quickly. Good friends have shown enormous capacity to hurt, and disappoint. I need to be reminded of the goodness in people. I need inspiration. I hope I find it in these books.

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