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I knew **** would make a good Zombie...

Toshiro Mifune's Letter Opener

Posted 8:37 pm, 03/25/2013

Normally, I don't agree with Fins method of delivery... but he's right on this. The OP for this thread should be beaten down and have feces rubbed on their face.

At least put "Spoiler present" in the thread so you don't appear like a total moron.


Posted 8:36 pm, 03/25/2013

Stupid, every time the spoiler has been in the subject line and the preview text that can be seen from the main page. It's never been necessary to click on the link to see the spoiler. And yeah Stupid, I'm talking to you.


Posted 8:33 pm, 03/25/2013

Okay, I will bow to the obvious. The name of the zombiefied human was posted in the title this time. That was clearly a dirty deed on the part of the OP. However, this has been an issue for the last 2 weeks. If you don't want to know what happens, don't click on the post (i'm talking to you, Fins).


Posted 7:19 pm, 03/25/2013

it would be just like someone posting "congratulations Duke!" in the topic subject line, right after an ACC game..

you know there are people recording that stuff


Posted 7:04 pm, 03/25/2013

I don't say this often, but Fins is right. The spoiler was in the title and the first part of the post shows wether you click on the link or not. Maybe in the future you could type out a disclaimer that would take up enough space to avoid ruining it for others.

Note from GoWilkes: a portion of this post was removed that was in response to the earlier trolling.


Posted 6:42 pm, 03/25/2013

Season 4 starts in October. Filming starts in May. Sunday at 9pm is the season finale. Can't wait!! This week is a marathon of the previous episodes. I've got them all DVR'ed and the first 2 seasons are also on Netflix.


Posted 6:39 pm, 03/25/2013

There one more show left. When will the next season start.


Posted 6:31 pm, 03/25/2013

Actually I do have a dvr, 2 of them, plus netflix. I just happen to like watching the show. If you don't want to know what happens, don't click on the link and then complain when you actually read it. Don't hate me because you're ignorant.


Posted 5:29 pm, 03/25/2013

Stupid, when the spoiler is in the subject line and the first couple of sentences that show up in the preview on the main page, you dont have to click the link to have it ruined. Dont hate me because you are too poor to have a DVR


Posted 5:24 pm, 03/25/2013

Why don't ya'll stop clicking on the links if you don't want full details?? I know that this week Merle's name was mentioned, but Fins, you griped over the same thing last week- stop looking at the links! Spoiler alert!!!

Guess what, Maggie and Glenn got engaged too. Rick decided to hand over Michone, changed his mind, Merle kidnapped her, let her go, Daryl went after him, Merle shot 8 (i think) of the governor's boys including Ben the son of Tyrese's friend, then governor shot him, Rick tells everyone that he wants everyone to have a vote on the future of their group, Daryl found Merle zombiefied, cried very pitifully, put him down. There. Now you are ready for next week. Don't want the details, stop clicking on the links!!!


Posted 5:03 pm, 03/25/2013

I removed a few posts that were off topic and/or trolling.


Posted 4:34 pm, 03/25/2013

I had the urge to post something earlier but resisted because I knew I'd spoil it for some.


Posted 4:32 pm, 03/25/2013

Hey bobby, why don't you wait a few days? A lot of people DVR shows and don't watch them as when they first run. They don't want ****s like you spoiling everything.


Posted 4:31 pm, 03/25/2013

Thanks for ruining the episode for me! I still have it on DVR, planned to watch it tonight. I guess there's no need to bother, now.


Posted 4:31 pm, 03/25/2013

Hey bobby, why don't you wait a few days? A lot of people DVR shows and don't watch them as when they first run. They don't want ****s like you spoiling everything.


Posted 4:21 pm, 03/25/2013

I hated to see the old boy go myself.

Kinda liked the guy.


Posted 4:18 pm, 03/25/2013


Posted 2:53 pm, 03/25/2013

I have them all recorded plus on Netflix. I will start watching them when this season is over.


Posted 2:48 pm, 03/25/2013

No telling...

They have a marathon starting tonight. I wouldn't mind seeing some of them again, especially the one at the CDC.


Posted 2:44 pm, 03/25/2013

Who's going to get it next week??? I'm betting Andrea and governor. Maybe baby Judith.

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