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How many have watched The Butler?


Posted 1:28 pm, 02/06/2014

I watched it last night and I have to say is that Oprah sucks as an actress.


Posted 7:24 pm, 01/27/2014

it's on my "to do" list.


Posted 7:20 pm, 01/27/2014

The other night I decided to watch The Butler. My hesitation hasn't had anything to do with the content, I just hadn't been in the mood for a drama. Well, the movie is great. Very moving, very inspirational, and at times sad and shameful. But near the end I got to thinking about how I recently watched Lone Survivor, and how inaccurate it was. Some of the most important parts of the story had been seriously changed. So today, I did some googling about The Butler. And yep, Hollywood did it again. They rewrote history to make it more emotional and flashy. It really ticks me off when they do this, because it dismisses the importance of the real story.

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