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Honey BooBoo or Boo-Hoo


Posted 2:52 am, 02/14/2014

think what you want....and certainly silly as it may be she is but a child, and gives more to charities than we would ever do in a lifetime.


Posted 1:49 am, 02/14/2014

Hahah! You're right about that.


Posted 1:44 am, 02/14/2014

Chendo, of course it's not real. Surely by now they'd have enough money to not be crammed in that crap house next to the railroad tracks with 1 bathroom for 7 people and 3 bedrooms. Of course it's got to be at least semi-set up for entertainment purposes.

There's no such thing as "real" TV. Except those fishing shows. God bless they're so real they're boring!


Posted 1:32 am, 02/14/2014

I have only seen the previews so I can not comment about details on the episode the OP is talking about and I would turn the TV off if that is all I had to watch. It looks like a typical family of fat white trash idiots. If I want to see people like them I'll go to Wal-Mart. I do not get it if you are a dumbarse southerner you can get a reality TV show.


Posted 1:21 am, 02/14/2014

Omg...do you really think this is real?

Land of Confusion

Posted 11:58 pm, 02/13/2014

Toddlers and Tiaras is a start. Then TLC. It's really a big hit among the gay community because Honey Boo Boo has a gay uncle and when asked about that she said there's nothing wrong with being gay. So, there's one demographic that's all over it.

I hated that show at first, but now I kind of like it. I think that family really does love one another and I also get to see how I don't want my children to EVER act. So as June says it, "it is what it is".


Posted 9:28 pm, 02/13/2014

I agree, westling Grandpa. It came on while I was fixing dinner and I should have turned the channel. but I didn't want me food to burn. I mean who came up with this idea?

wrestling Grandpa

Posted 9:24 pm, 02/13/2014

I still have no idea why this is even on TV...its shows sad life this family leads...and nasty attitude and uneducated conversation....and now I read that its syndicated over in Europe...can you just hear what the Wester European viewers will think of those who live in the South ....and they are being paid for this crap....get rid of the reality show and do not give them further time on TV or radio or whatever...


Posted 9:22 pm, 02/13/2014

typo - last line should read - "It's quite plain to see she does not respect him at all". sorry about that, folks.


Posted 9:13 pm, 02/13/2014

I feel for Sugar Bear on that show. He lit candles, fixed the bed up nice and he even looked good, trying to be romantic and get June in the mood. She gave him a bashing because he had lavender candles and not fruity ones. She blew out the out the candles and said they stunk. She got in bed and said "none for you and I'm going to sleep". What is wrong with her? Sugar Bear went to all that trouble and all he got was June's criticism about the candle scent. He went to all the trouble to be romantic and she did not even appreciate it. My stars, I would have been all over him just for trying. Things do not have to perfect in the romance department. It's the thought you put into it. Grow up, June, or let Sugar Bear go to find some one who will appreciate him. It's quite plain she does respect him at all.

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