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honey boo boo update!


Posted 5:52 pm, 10/31/2014

Also Che you choose what you wish to read but if you don't like it you don't have to be in here.JMO.


Posted 5:52 pm, 10/31/2014

Yes while behavior che only shows how much you garden is pure **** compared to mine when you have such eloquent words so you sarcasm.
Right now Osmosis I seriously dought I gonna find the material as I'm picky so if some how we build or lovers like from frankstien we'll in bussiness. I still dream of a 6 pack tanned man in my bed scooping me up in his arms.


Posted 5:02 pm, 10/31/2014

Rose, Looking at your profile I can't understand how anyone that can beat a __er with another __er would be afraid of a little poo. I know you'll find your man soon.


Posted 4:14 pm, 10/31/2014

Blackrose... This is a public forum open for comment. Do not strew your dirty laundry about in public and then act indignant when someone comments negatively about the smell. Your reaction only further proves my point.


Posted 4:04 pm, 10/31/2014

lol....all the other topics stink too, so....honey boo boo was a refreshing break, lol.


Posted 4:00 pm, 10/31/2014

see 2 to 1 mommo and che It's my topic so forget you, don't like it go read something else.


Posted 3:56 pm, 10/31/2014

Lets not forget my language

lol....that's something you can work on.


Posted 3:56 pm, 10/31/2014

You're right, you shouldn't reproduce. Please read your last post and ask yourself, "Did that display a level of maturity needed to be a parent? "

Here's a hint..... it did not.


Posted 3:51 pm, 10/31/2014

That's right, gonna give me that ring on my finger!
You know research shows that the bigger the diamon the shorter the marriage and if that true I say it better be one **** big diamond so if he's **** I can pawn it while sucking him everything got during the divorce and if it small I know he **** cheap skate lmao!


Posted 3:49 pm, 10/31/2014

But adoption is something I would consider in the future if things changed and I found someone who can be a father.

Just a little more motherly advice, lol......If they are not father material, then drop them. Fast. Chances are if they wouldn't make a good father then they wouldn't make a good husband. Why waste time with them now if there's no future there?


Posted 3:47 pm, 10/31/2014

Not if yha get em potty trained at 4-5. If not I'll put down some paper, a bowel of food, some water,chew toys. were in business lmao!


Posted 3:45 pm, 10/31/2014

There are many wonderful parents that have adopted and no doubt do consider these kids as their own flesh and blood. That's a beautiful process. I would like to be a part of that at some point and time. I'm just saying that adopted kids pee and poop too, lol.


Posted 3:38 pm, 10/31/2014



Posted 3:27 pm, 10/31/2014

The problem is that I don't have the emotional state to wanna give birth, I'm afraid of it and I wanna avoid it at all costs. Along that I know exactly what I would say and I know it cruel but my mind would just look at the child I gave birth too with question on what am I to do with it. I wouldn't know how to hold, love it, care for it, I mean clearly their your first clue when I her or him s IT thing yha know along with I can't stand crying and vomiting and cramping on me I'd be the first to buy raincoat or hazmat suit to protect me from all the element of his or rain piss from the air.Lets not forget my language and my budget does not have the thing I can supply the child with. I just don't have the responsibility or the encouragement of being a parent that I'm thinking of them right now by saying this.But adoption is something I would consider in the future if things changed and I found someone who can be a father.How many them kids do you think put on their wish list about wanting a momma and daddy cause they was thrown away and plenty more they deserve it but parent what a flesh and blood child instead.I find that very cruel that you can't offer them into you home and look at them as though they are already you flesh and blood like all of gods creatures.


Posted 3:09 pm, 10/31/2014

I'd adopt before I birth my my flesh and blood.JMO that I know I'm not parent material.

It's the easiest thing in the world to love your own flesh and blood. That just comes natural. It takes a special kind of person to adopt. I know couples that have adopted and they are the greatest. But, I just think that if you know it would be hard to care for your own flesh and blood, then perhaps adoption's not going to be an option either. There are so many kids out there that have parents....good parents...but need role models to look up to and people to be good examples for them in addition to their parents. Maybe that might be something you could do.


Posted 2:52 pm, 10/31/2014

Child Protective Services should definitely step in. She's endangering her children, and it's being reported all over the place. They need to check out that Boo Boo family...stat!


Posted 2:38 pm, 10/31/2014

Honey boo boo's momma is a great parent....said NO ONE ever. I think if we paid attention, we could see that she really stunk at parenting anyway.


Posted 2:37 pm, 10/31/2014

Hun their are something about me that would shock you along with the rest. I'd adopt before I birth my my flesh and blood.JMO that I know I'm not parent material.


Posted 2:33 pm, 10/31/2014

I'm glad you can recognize and be enraged by ppl who put their children in danger girl....means you are growin' up on us.


Posted 2:29 pm, 10/31/2014

Let me tell yha, she brings a whole no meaning to women everywhere.

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