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From The Vampire Dairies to The Originals


Posted 9:45 pm, 04/27/2013

Not these vampires. They are 150 years old, thank you. And Klaus is like...600, no.. 1000 years.. I forget.

He is old enough


Posted 9:40 pm, 04/27/2013

Vampires are for 14 y/o girls.


Posted 8:28 pm, 04/27/2013

Stefan was too goody, goody to do what needed to be done. Always moping around. I like him, but I like him better with Rebecca. He seemed to balance Rebecca out. I really like Rebeccas character too. And at times root for her and Matt. Matt seems soo lonely.


Posted 8:23 pm, 04/27/2013

I like Damon best as Damon at his best! But I like him and Elena together better! Stefan is too moody for her. I like him with Rebecca. I liked that he and Rebecca once had something too. I would have liked to have seen that play out a little more. I loved it when they showed that Damon was the first to have met Elena and that he always loved her just as she was. Yet was willing to do whatever it took to protect her. Even if it meant being the evil, bad guy to do it! He did it! Lol! And never apologized to anybody for it!


Posted 8:11 pm, 04/27/2013

I also enjoy watching this show but I liked it better when Elena was with Stefan. I like Damon also but I liked him better when he was playing the field or should I say the killed?


Posted 8:02 pm, 04/27/2013

If Klaus is really gone from Mystic Falls and starting new... I'm really liking bartender, Camile, I think it was.

Daddy P

Posted 7:39 pm, 04/27/2013

Usually if a spin off does well the characters don't go back and forth a lot. You may see them interacting once in awhile, but not really enough to feel like they are still on the show. So unless Caroline goes to the new show, their story line will pretty much be kaput.


Posted 6:22 pm, 04/27/2013

**Does this mean


Posted 6:20 pm, 04/27/2013

Wait... Does this Klaus an the other origianals will not be on TVD's? I will they?? Will they be on both???


Posted 6:18 pm, 04/27/2013

I was really kinda hoping Klaus would just take that pompous Marcel out, or at least put him in his place.
But, I guess that wouldn't have left much of a story line....

Daddy P

Posted 6:16 pm, 04/27/2013

They probably couldn't afford to pay all the people they have killed off.


Posted 6:11 pm, 04/27/2013

vampires suck .. what.... somebody had to say it


Posted 6:08 pm, 04/27/2013

😳 what?! Wait. But it would bring back ALL of them!! AALLL!! of them. How would that work?? I keep wondering how they would pull that off if they do! Lol!

Daddy P

Posted 6:04 pm, 04/27/2013

I hope the cure brings back all the dead folks. lol Too many good cast member killed off.


Posted 5:57 pm, 04/27/2013

There's Caroline, I love her! So, so... Caroline! I really like Elijah too, I hate Alaric left, I really like him. And bawled when him and Damon where in the tomb.
I really grew to like Jeremy, his acting was getting better.


Posted 5:53 pm, 04/27/2013

I know exactly what you mean! I loved the scene with him and the bar tender, while watching the painter. I knew when he saw her watching the artist, he couldn't resist talking to her. You could read it in his eyes. He plays the part of Klaus perfectly! So torn. And yet you can just see his longing!
Wonderful actor! Him and Damon both!
I loved the scene with Damon and Rose. When Rose died. I bawled my eyes out! In fact... TVD have had me teared up many times. Mostly with Damon I think. A lot of really great actors really!

Daddy P

Posted 5:40 pm, 04/27/2013

Isn't it amazing how the actor who plays Klaus can make his eyes fill up with tears on cue? I mean he really looks like he is heartbroken while also looking like he doesn't give a ****. Kind of melts my heart if you know what I mean.

I would like Stefan and Rebecca together too.


Posted 5:32 pm, 04/27/2013

Music, no I don't have cable :( . Which is how I got stuck on TVD. I started watching it on Netflix. So, now when I watch, I have to wait and watch it on the CW website. I was watching in on Hulu, but something is up with them.

DappyP, I am hooked! I didn't know about it either, I do remember thinking back seeing something on FB. But then another friend mentioned it this morning. So I looked it up too. And it is definitely a spin off. I was wondering too, during the last episode, how that whole NOLA thing was going....

I was really hoping (and still kinda am I think) that Klaus and Caroline would end up together too! But then they throw this new bar tender in. I liked her! But then the whole Hailey thing threw me for a loop!!! ( I won't insert the spoiler!!)

His reaction didn't surprise me, it's typical Klaus. I knew he would never truly walk away. But I'm not sure how I feel about knowing he has no feelings what so ever for Hailey. Hmmmm. Idk. I never really liked her myself tho. Is that bad? Naaaa. She's a tramp. Poor girl. Kinda feel. Sorry for her.

I don't like the new Elena at all. Stefan needs to back off and let Damon take care of her. I'd like to Stefan and Rebecca get back together.

Daddy P

Posted 5:08 pm, 04/27/2013

I watch the show. I had no idea there was going to be a spin off but after a few minutes I could tell that was what they were working toward because everything was focusing on Klaus and New Orleans. I love Klaus and hate to see him leave Vampire Diaries. After I watched the show I did a search for VD spin off and found an article saying there was going to be one.

I want Elena to get her emotions back and hope that she will stay with Damon. I would like to see Klaus and Caroline get together. I can't believe I am admitting I watch this show. lol. It is meant for teens I'm sure. I started watching it with my daughter and got into it.


Posted 4:52 pm, 04/27/2013

38, do you get HBO? (Sorry, I don't watch the Vampire Diaries) However.. there is a show called Girls that comes on HBO.. I am in love with that show.

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