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Finding books cheap


Posted 11:12 am, 10/19/2009

Main St.- just down from Liberty Theater.


Posted 10:05 am, 10/19/2009

Where is Browse About Books?


Posted 8:01 pm, 10/15/2009

I like browse about books. They will trade books with you. Take some of the old books you have already read and trade for some new ones and you have no money invested .


Posted 4:14 pm, 10/08/2009

Ed McKay ROCKS!!!!


Posted 12:34 pm, 10/08/2009


Posted 8:42 pm, 09/30/2009

The library is having a book sale in the Key City Building (one block up 5th St. from Main) . Thursday, 10-1 is half price day and 10-2 is "bag day" where you can fill a bag for a fixed price ($4 I think). I got a whole box of books today for $6. Great stuff!


Posted 4:55 pm, 09/29/2009

DO NOT go to the one in Old Town! The woman scavenges Goodwill and Salvation Army then brings them back to her shop with a healthy mark-up.
Do as she does and go to Goodwill and Salvation Army for yourselves and save a bit of cash.
But be warned, if she is there when you are, she WILL bodyblock you from the books.
I know, she's done it to me on more than one occasion and the management REFUSES to say anything to her.
Don't believe me? Call the Goodwill on Cherry St in Winston and ask to speak to the Director.


Posted 8:32 am, 09/29/2009

There is a used book store in the Oldtown Shopping Ctr in WS. they have lots of books at good prices.


Posted 12:23 am, 09/25/2009

Try the bookstore at the Jonesville Public Library. Its open any time that the library is open. Nothing over $2.00, including New hardbacks. Paperbacks are .10 or .25...


Posted 12:39 pm, 09/18/2009

I love Goodwill, too! Especially the one on University In W-S.


Posted 3:49 pm, 09/11/2009

I clicked here to say "Goodwill", but I'm not the first. Or the second, for that matter. My wife has picked up several good books there, really cheap.


Posted 8:03 pm, 08/27/2009

Check the library! They almost always have discontinued/discarded books for sale at crazy low prices!


Posted 5:54 pm, 08/23/2009

Browse About, yardsales and the Goodwill

can't remember sh**

Posted 9:13 pm, 08/20/2009



Posted 12:31 pm, 08/20/2009

I'm with ya Smalltown, I like to find mine at flea markets & used book stores.


Posted 10:32 am, 08/20/2009

I prefer the thrill of the hunt at yard sales, auctions and Goodwill.


Posted 11:24 pm, 07/14/2009

I like to use paperbackswap.com.


Posted 11:53 pm, 07/13/2009

I've seen a lot of you posting the same question... where to find books cheap. A great site I use all the time is www.addall.com. You can search by author, title, isbn, etc., and it will give you a list of various sites that sell the book you are looking for, and list them in order by price. This is a great site for buying books cheap.

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