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Favorite TV chef?

wrestling Grandpa

Posted 8:16 pm, 07/28/2013

I also like Justin I guarantee Wilson he was my favorite then...now Robert Irvine...


Posted 8:12 pm, 07/28/2013

Satan proved my point about the ignorant people of wilkes


Posted 7:17 pm, 07/28/2013

Alton Brown is great and entertaining. From a culinary standpoint , the Barefoot Contessa (Ina Gartner) is likely one of the best cooks on TV.


Posted 6:35 pm, 07/28/2013

Can't believe someone else watched 2 Fat Lady's. I like Alton Brown also. His method for cooking hot wings is the stuff.


Posted 6:23 pm, 07/28/2013

Betty Feezor!!!


Posted 6:21 pm, 07/28/2013

Fins (view profile)

I see most don't understand the difference between a chef and a cook.

most "Chef's" make things i wouldn't feed a maggot much less eat myself.
Cooks make things i dont mind sharing with the maggots(after i'm done eating)


Posted 6:21 pm, 07/28/2013

Gordon Ramsay


Posted 6:12 pm, 07/28/2013

I see most don't understand the difference between a chef and a cook.


Posted 6:07 pm, 07/28/2013

Well, since someone has already named Justin Wilson, I'll throw in The Two Fat Ladies from BBC


Posted 3:33 pm, 07/28/2013

I like that show as well this n that. I also like Cowboy Flavor on RFDTV with Billy Ruiz though you wont find him to be quite the looker that Ladd Dummond is.

this n that

Posted 3:28 pm, 07/28/2013

this n that

Posted 3:25 pm, 07/28/2013

The Pioneer Woman.

Now that's a cooking show worth watching.

Oklahoma. Cattle ranchers. Views as far as the eye can see, and it's all theirs. Horses, 3,400 wild mustangs they take care of and feed.
Pastures so far away from their house they load the horses in trailers to the place where they will work that day, and then ride them. Generations all live on the ranch. Must be thousands of acres full of cows.

Four kids that crawl out of bed at the crack of dawn, always laughing, always cheerful. Saddling up for their days work. All smart college educated, including the Grandparents who must be about 80, and met in college. The kids are home schooled, and learning Latin, and everything else.

cutting and baling hay. Thousands of big round rolls of hay. Putting up fences, painting fences.

Cutting the calves out from their mamas to get shots, and branded, and castrated. That day they had 147 calves.

And the father is so handsome he looks like a movie star.
Blond/gray hair, (his name is Ladd Drummond, a perfect movie star name, eyes so blue you could get lost in them. Up on horse back, stetson hat, boots, even chaps. A sight to see.

The mother, Ree Drummond, and the one who cooks, is a natural red head. I know this because there are never any dark roots and besides it takes a long time to drive to town, and she is just too busy.

And then there's the cooking, and it's worth watching as well.

I really like this show.


Posted 3:15 pm, 07/28/2013

You know, that makes two of us. However, I was also relieved that my assumption was wrong when I saw the chef. I could see however how you wouldn't share that relief.


Posted 2:54 pm, 07/28/2013

I was SO disappointed when I first watched "Jamie Oliver The Naked Chef"

Stupid false advertising.


Posted 2:53 pm, 07/28/2013

Guy Fieri

I've also grown to like Robert Irvine. I really like the way he tells people when they are stupid


Posted 2:40 pm, 07/28/2013

mine "was" justin wilson. he is no longer with us.


Posted 2:38 pm, 07/28/2013

I got to thinking about this while posting on another thread b ut do any of ya'll have a favorite TV chef? Mine is Alton Brown who had the show Good Eats that ended in 2011.

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