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days of our lives.


Posted 3:16 pm, 01/15/2014

I think Jordan is gonna turn out to be a man LOL

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 2:55 pm, 01/15/2014

Will and Sonny are boring.


Posted 2:46 pm, 01/15/2014

Sally I sure hope not....got enough of that already......Will and Sonny makes me sick......I fast forward through their sences......


Posted 12:58 am, 01/15/2014

I think they are getting ready to add an lesbian storyline, That new girl said she and jordan were very very close and they might not be friends anymore that she didn't know. I am thinking they were romantically involved. That is just my opinion.

Daddy P

Posted 12:56 am, 01/15/2014

Glitter that is what I get for not paying attention when I watch. I didn't catch the part where he almost missed the bed. I bet that was funny. I never really liked Sami and Rafe together.

I wonder...and I have no basis for this at all... if maybe Jordan is Cassie, who is the daughter of Kate and Roman. I never really did understand that thing, but years ago two aliens from another planet showed up...Cassie and Rex? it turned out they were twins who belonged to Kate and Roman. Marlena carried them as a surrogate. Like I said I never really did understand the whole thing, but Cassie left and I figure this girl is going to be someone connected to Kate in some way so there will be a love hate thing. Kind of like with Kate and Billie. They hated each other until they found out they were mother and daughter. I may be completely off-base. If it goes as normal Jordan is probably Stefano's daughter. Can you tell I've been watching this show since I was a wee baby?


Posted 12:28 am, 01/15/2014

who is the girl going to be that is rafes new love......why does she have so many ids


Posted 12:28 am, 01/15/2014


~glitter and glamour~

Posted 12:17 am, 01/15/2014

I thought the EJ and Abigail love scene was hot but I laughed when he spun her around to throw her on the bed and missed his mark and she almost fell off the end. I like Sami with Rafe.


Posted 12:15 am, 01/15/2014

I think Abigail will get pregant....they always do.....and I am about sick of Ann, what hospital or any other place would let somebody like her work for them......and Kristin needs to be caught... I thought Stephano promised he would change if God let Chad live, didnt take him long to go back to his old ways

Daddy P

Posted 12:09 am, 01/15/2014

I had it playing in the background on the DVR but didn't pay close attention. What I did catch was the doctor who Kristin hired to make the drug to seduce Eric, broke into Daniel's apartment to delete info of Daniel's computer. Nicole walked in on him and he drugged her. Then Eric arrived and he got him also. He tied them up and took them to another location. Ann tried to accuse Daniel of pushing her but that didn't play out the way she wanted. EJ tried to smooth things over with Sami and explain with Abigail was upset. Some stuff happened with Roman and Marlena but I wasn't paying attention. What do you think about EJ and Abigail? I was totally against it at first...I have always been an EJ and Sami together fan, but I have to admit there was some chemistry happenin' with Abigail in their love scene. All in all though you didn't miss much. You can search re-cap on Google that would be much better than mine.


Posted 12:01 am, 01/15/2014

hey did they have days of our lives today I missed it was gone all day thanks

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