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Days of Our Lives and Charter DVR


Posted 9:15 am, 12/10/2014

My grandmother use to watch that show everyday and talk about the people like they were her best friends. Since she was a mean old cow, I suppose they were her only friends. Miss you Memaw.


Posted 8:59 am, 12/10/2014

Eric is finally gona get him some Theresa is a b***h Anne a nut case Melanie worthless Sonny jump off a mountain with ur husband and boy friend.


Posted 8:43 am, 12/10/2014

DLM28659 (view profile)

Posted 6:46 am, 12/10/2014

I could just horsewhip Theresa Donavan with a logging chain, for all the trouble she's caused on that show; Varmint: You're right about the same episodes being shown constantly

Yes and that Anne needs it too. I would pay good money to see Jennifer lay her out on the floor one good time.


Posted 6:46 am, 12/10/2014

I could just horsewhip Theresa Donavan with a logging chain, for all the trouble she's caused on that show; Varmint: You're right about the same episodes being shown constantly.


Posted 10:25 pm, 12/09/2014

Thanks guys. I'll try that tomorrow when I'm not recording stuff. I was like, "Okay, DVR, do you like Melanie Jonas that much?"


Posted 9:14 pm, 12/09/2014

When all else fails, unplug, wait 5 minutes, then replug.


Posted 9:14 pm, 12/09/2014

Pineapple I have the same problem with Direct TV not wanting to delete some of the programs now and then. It finally deletes them after working with it for awhile.


Posted 9:12 pm, 12/09/2014

Shimmy they are all possessed with the devil even all the gays kissing and slobering all over each other.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 9:11 pm, 12/09/2014

Love of Life? Omg! My parents watched that years ago.


Posted 9:05 pm, 12/09/2014

It has been so long since I watched Days of Our Lives. Marlena was possessed by the devil the last time I watched!! That's probably been nearly 20 years ago.


Posted 8:50 pm, 12/09/2014

vile rotten no count varmint

Posted 8:45 pm, 12/09/2014

I only seen to episodes. They was both the same. Meg and Cal was after Rick and he was two timing both of them.

Wait, that was Love of Life.



Posted 8:44 pm, 12/09/2014

They are all different its like in real life like sands through the hour glass like the days of our lives.

vile rotten no count varmint

Posted 8:33 pm, 12/09/2014

I think all the episodes are the same. Seen one, seen em all.


Posted 8:33 pm, 12/09/2014

I have had this happen several times and the program has nothing to do with it. Just boot the box.


Posted 8:06 pm, 12/09/2014

Been watching for over 40 yrs. never happened.


Posted 6:26 pm, 12/09/2014

you have to un plug the box. wait then plug it back up.


Posted 5:46 pm, 12/09/2014

Check the save settings on that episode. Also, unplug it and plug it back in again


Posted 5:34 pm, 12/09/2014

This is a weird question, but I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this. When yesterday's episode went off, I hit "delete," but the episode didn't delete. It refuses to delete, no matter what I do. Other things delete. Today's episode deleted. It's just the 12/8 episode.

Anyone else having this or a similar issue?

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