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Dan Brown


Posted 11:09 pm, 06/10/2009

I have read Angels and Demons also Da Vinci Code and thoroughly enjoyed both. Recently picked up hb copies of Deception Point and Digital Fortress on paperbackswap. Haven't had a chance to read the last two yet.


Posted 4:52 am, 06/04/2009

The Lost Symbol is coming out soon. It's the third novel to feature Robert Langdon


Posted 2:57 pm, 06/03/2009

Just finished Angels& Demons over the weekend - I thought it was really good and it held my interest. I bought it Thursday evening while out of town and had read 470 pages by Sunday and was done with it.

Anything else written by Dan Brown pretty good? Of course I read The DaVinci Code a couple of years ago and liked it too.


Posted 1:48 am, 05/02/2009

Angels & Demons is very good. You should pick it up if you like The Da Vinci Code


Posted 5:23 pm, 05/01/2009

I've read Da Vinci Code and loved it ---- so Angels&Demons is good so far??


Posted 8:41 am, 04/22/2009

I read the da Vinci Code & Deception Point & enjoyed both, although da Vinci was a better read.


Posted 9:05 pm, 04/21/2009

I started reading Angels and Demons today! I'm half way through it already. It's hard to put down. I'm really enjoying it. I loved the DaVinci Code and I'm finding this one even more riviting.


Posted 8:14 am, 04/21/2009

I have read both books and enjoyed both...but my favorite was Angels and Demons...much more information in that book. I didn't care much for Deception Point...it wasn't quite the read as the other two.


Posted 2:41 am, 04/21/2009

Has anyone read anything by him? Im reading Angels & Demons right now and it's quite interesting. It's a prequel to The da Vinci Code.

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