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Can someone help me with-Lord of The Flies


Posted 10:40 pm, 08/07/2009

Much like what happened after Katrina.If the lights go out and 911 doesnt work the best and worst of human nature comes to the surface.


Posted 10:36 pm, 08/07/2009

My feelings from reading the book was how a group of well socio-educated youths revert to violence when thrust into a life where formal law is non-existent. In other words, they regress to an animal mentality where it is dog-eat-dog.


Posted 8:55 pm, 08/07/2009

ha ha thanx


Posted 10:09 pm, 08/06/2009

That was required reading in my sophomore English class 34 years ago and it still gives me the creeps! That's one book I wish I had NEVER read!


Posted 1:51 pm, 08/06/2009

Thanks so much to you both. I checked out the site and I plan on finding the movie.

Daddy P

Posted 3:16 am, 08/06/2009

I loved that book and movie also. Watch the movie that was done several years ago. I can't watch it anymore because one scene tears me up so bad I can't stand it. The book is essentially about cliques and people going along with anything to fit in.


Posted 4:09 pm, 08/05/2009

try this site...I loved that book and movie


Posted 3:46 pm, 08/05/2009

Can someone please help me understand lord of the flies. i have to read it for school, and i just cant really interpret what its saying, i understand some of it, but not all. thanx

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