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Bye bye Honey Boo Boo


Posted 9:16 pm, 10/24/2014

Dang, I just had to know and now I wish I didnt.


Posted 9:14 pm, 10/24/2014

You just HAD to ask, didn't ya, Amax??!!


Posted 9:13 pm, 10/24/2014

Question for ya, On the Hill. Are you not reading and believing what you've read? How is that different from what I did? Mama June said exactly what you'd expect her to say. TLC has seen enough evidence to cancel the show...a show that brings in money for them. I don't buy that they would do something like that on a whim. The daughter that was molested has spoken out also, after originally saying she didn't believe it. Something changed her mind. Where there's smoke...


Posted 9:11 pm, 10/24/2014

The entire family is disgusting. Good riddance!


Posted 9:10 pm, 10/24/2014

The mother has a dead toe that was run over by a forklift. Apparently it has bugs living in the toe. She is a disgusting pig. It's no wonder her husband stepped out on her.



Posted 9:05 pm, 10/24/2014

I hate to ask but was the deal about the stinky toe, never watched the show.

on the hill

Posted 8:55 pm, 10/24/2014

y'all always want to see the worst in ppl than the best & believe whatever u read or hear about. I've watched every episode some more than once & always see that Mama June and her children really love one another, stinky toe & all


Posted 8:42 pm, 10/24/2014

Now it comes out that the family member that was molested WAS JUNE'S OWN DAUGHTER. That beast should be investigated.


Posted 8:17 pm, 10/24/2014

Vanilla Ice goes Amish isnt bad. Although, Ive only caught parts of a couple episodes. But it came out of his other show where he buys houses, fixes them up, and flips them. Apparently, after his music career went bye bye, he went back to construction, and started flipping houses. The show seems pretty real. His Amish show is, he goes and lives and works with the Amish. It also seems legit.


Posted 5:11 pm, 10/24/2014

I liked watching Honey Boo Boo. Made me more appreciative of my life.


Posted 5:00 pm, 10/24/2014

Where do they find these shows, Saw a add for vanilla Ice goes Amish. WTF


Posted 4:51 pm, 10/24/2014

I have never even watched one episode. Or part of an episode. I have watched a lot crap out of curiosity...Duck Dynasty, Dance Moms, probably others that I can't think of. I've never had an inkling of desire to turn on Honey Boo Boo, I have read way more than enough about what goes on. But, to each their own and I do understand to some, the train wreck is entertaining.

What I can't understand is why a mother...any mother...would be that irresponsible with the safety and well being of her children. I know it happens all the time, it's just not something I can wrap my brain around.


Posted 3:08 pm, 10/24/2014

I never understood how they landed a TV show in the first place.
Ive never really cared much to be a regular watcher of honey boo boo.
When I did watch a clip of the show, it was about the mothers nasty toe and I changed the channel,
Never watched it again.just couldn't get into it.


Posted 3:05 pm, 10/24/2014

Maybe they can do a show with that bunch and will hayden , call it (Sons of ????)


Posted 2:56 pm, 10/24/2014

TLC said that had sufficient evidence that June was indeed dating the guy, she says she was not.


Posted 12:09 pm, 10/24/2014

they didnt feel sorry for her. They saw a train wreck. And train wrecks on TV make money. Lots and lots of money. Momma will dump the kiddy toucher when it starts to hurt her lunch money.

We will eventually see Honey Boo Boo on Biggest Loser, or Dr Drew's Celebrity Rehab


Posted 12:00 pm, 10/24/2014

That whole family is pitiful an sick , they should of never made a tv show , i think they felt sorry for the little girl when she was doing the beauty shows and gave her the Honey boo boo series .jmo !


Posted 11:59 am, 10/24/2014

She will get a new show soon probably titled 14 and pregnant, or who the daddy?


Posted 11:57 am, 10/24/2014

Yeah, too bad there wasnt an article or something that explained that part


Posted 11:49 am, 10/24/2014

Well that makes a whole lot of difference then that I didn't know about.

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