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Bye bye Honey Boo Boo


Posted 10:43 am, 10/24/2014

I don't question nor am I surprised by anything any member of that family does. You HAVE to know that none of them are quite "right". The only reason any of us have even heard of them is because they're ignorant and illiterate.


Posted 10:42 am, 10/24/2014

Gotta keep it in the family.


Posted 10:37 am, 10/24/2014

Rose, honey... The man molested a member of June's family. He just got done serving 10 years for it. She knew.


Posted 10:32 am, 10/24/2014

I don't think Mama June has enough brains to do a background check. She doesn't seem to be the brightest bulb or sharpest pencil.


Posted 10:30 am, 10/24/2014

She's dated this fella before she and Sugar Bear met. She knows.


Posted 10:22 am, 10/24/2014

First I'm gonna comment on you don't know your partner until you live with them fully, so in this case it not all her fault. He didn't tell her that I also think it's her responsibility to do a criminal background check on who she dates while having a child.Don't get me wrong, I feel sorry for her cause I can't imagine what she going through right now that he could have succeeded in harming the child while I don't see why June didn't point this put to the mother ahead of time and save her the heartache frustration of the world looking down on her.Not only does she have to live with this mistake but also be humiliated for it by the public for life no matter where she goes. I didn't support the show but you gotta look at her perspective, she was in love and was blind to all the details that needs to be filled. If I was on tv dating I would have done a background check on him because I love my child enough not to risk anything to hurt her. I mean just look at a previous show on tru tv, I forgot the name but they told the history on weapons and gun that store owner was a convicted child molester and the only reason it came out was cause he admitted it finally.So what's the difference between him and honey boo boo mom? She made a mistake and she doesn't need anymore of ****s and critics shoving their 2cent into her **** hole of shame making her feel worse.I have prayers for her but I hope this will be a eye opener for her to be more careful.It looks to me as if you gotta run a background check on anyone you date anymore before getting fully together. I kinda would feel sick about where he put his tic tac in when they slept together since it's practically the same weapon he used to violate a child.


Posted 10:17 am, 10/24/2014

I don't think this is anything new, rumor was Sugar Bear or whatever his name is/was, was linked to a teenager before he and June.


Posted 10:14 am, 10/24/2014

The news is full of mothers that think more of a man then then the best interests of their own children. Sick.


Posted 10:10 am, 10/24/2014

Well good grief ! Glad TLC will try to look after the kids. The courts should take them away, far far away !


Posted 9:57 am, 10/24/2014

Just when you thought this family couldn't be any creepier, Mama June embarks on a romance with a convicted child molester. Who, btw, molested a member of June's own family.

A mother would do this...why?!?!


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