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Bye bye Honey Boo Boo


Posted 9:18 pm, 11/13/2014

Continue? CONTINUE? Why in **** did it ever air in the first place?

Fair_Justice (view profile)

Posted 9:58 pm, 10/24/2014

on the hill:

Read this web report and then tell me if you think the show should continue?

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 8:00 pm, 11/06/2014

I heard, on the radio, the Mama is still dating The Child Molester, and she bought him a car with her child's trust fund money, the child he molested.

There was $30,000 in the account, and now only $17 remains.


Posted 10:45 pm, 10/24/2014

This show which I never watched just proved one thing. White trash people are not solely a product of poverty instead they are a perversion of Darwinism that transcends personal finances. It looks like these people would eventually die out because why would anyone want to mix in their gene pool?


Posted 10:31 pm, 10/24/2014

I forgot the name but they told the history on weapons and gun that store owner was a convicted child molester and the only reason it came out was cause he admitted it finally.So what's the difference between him and honey boo boo mom?

Rose you must be thinking of Son's of Guns staring Will Hayden. He was not a convicted child molester when the show was on the air but when he was charged the show was dropped. It bad news because someone got hurt and them wounds never heal without leaving bad scars.


Posted 10:11 pm, 10/24/2014

It like they have fell off the gravy train, to dumb to live and she already has kids.


Posted 9:58 pm, 10/24/2014

on the hill:

Read this web report and then tell me if you think the show should continue?


Posted 9:58 pm, 10/24/2014

So you don't care she's got a child molestor around as long as the show stays on the air

on the hill

Posted 9:55 pm, 10/24/2014

I seen it, I sure do hate that , I hope another network picks it up. I'll sign a petition


Posted 9:54 pm, 10/24/2014

I love Savannah and I don't hate Atlanta, but it might be best to avoid GA entirely. Just to be safe.


Posted 9:51 pm, 10/24/2014

Note to self (avoid all waterparks in GA)


Posted 9:48 pm, 10/24/2014

That would be far too easy.


Posted 9:47 pm, 10/24/2014

You might also try the link in the first post of this thread


Posted 9:45 pm, 10/24/2014

My source? Pick one... CNN, Reuters, CBS, New York Daily News, People, E! News, Fox News, USA Today, Huffington Post...

on the hill

Posted 9:32 pm, 10/24/2014

Why? Did you read the show has been cancelled? If so, what is your source?


Posted 9:32 pm, 10/24/2014

I bet you move those fat rolls around and the smell will kill you


Posted 9:28 pm, 10/24/2014

Dog dinger gnats swarming


Posted 9:26 pm, 10/24/2014

If bugs live in her toes, can you just imagine what's living in other places? In the fat folds...? In other cavernous places...?

She's a beast, I tell ya.


Posted 9:25 pm, 10/24/2014

That new guy must have been in prison a loooooong time

wrestlers Grandpa

Posted 9:25 pm, 10/24/2014

show this early today... glad they canceled the show now make sure Honey does not get to spend time alone with Junie's boyfriend... do not understand why she is even seeing this one.... so many others in Georgia of much better qualities than this who has to register with the sheriff no matter where he goes.....oh well....


Posted 9:21 pm, 10/24/2014

Look at the mother. She is so frigging fat, her eyes can't even fully open. She is absolutely disgusting.

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