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Book Club


Posted 8:47 am, 02/09/2010

Count me in. I have wanted to do this for a very long time. I was in a book club a very long time in Wilmington. It is very nice and fun to be with a group of readers discussing a book . I love to hear other people thoughts.


Posted 8:10 pm, 02/06/2010

If this book club does not make...the public library has a book club that meets once a month. Although, it might not meet a lot of your schedules. Call the library to check on the meeting time. My sister enjoys going...she loves to read.


Posted 6:34 pm, 02/04/2010

I would love to have one...but we gotta get some folks interested....any takers?


Posted 5:34 pm, 02/04/2010


Please let me know if you have a book exchange. I would like to be included. Thanks a lot


Posted 9:19 am, 02/04/2010

I am very interested in a Book Club where everyone reads the same book and discusses the book. I have been in a book club in Charlotte and it was a great success. Please email me as I am a little confused with this site.



Posted 5:40 pm, 01/29/2010

Book club didn't get started...but I would be willing to host a book exchange if anyone is interested...you could have books for trade or you could set up to sell some books...


Posted 4:21 pm, 01/26/2010

There are quite a few online reading and writing groups online. Try Yahoo Groups. No trading usually, but lots of good conversation on every genre.


Posted 1:54 pm, 01/26/2010

I would love to see this come to light I have lots of books to swap and I love to talk books I always make new friends when I visit Barnes and Noble


Posted 12:45 pm, 01/26/2010

Did a book club get started? I would love to be a part of it if so.


Posted 6:43 pm, 11/10/2009

How about a writer's group? There are a lot of people who 'write' family memories, short stories, poem's and even those who are working on novels. I belong to one in Iredell, but can't get there every month any more and would love to attend one here. One or two evenings a month or on Sat's mid-day maybe. Bring copies of what you write, distribute them to other members, read and critique, give your readers perspective and meet to discuss. We do turns with snacks, i.e. soft drinks, chips, dip, cookies or cake, and spend 2 - 3 hours. Gives a great perspective and ideas on theme, etc.


Posted 1:52 pm, 11/10/2009

Well that sounds great, ashlou. The likelihood of us all wanting to read the same books at the same time, and at the same rate, seems pretty slim. Meeting to discuss books, swap books, and talk about them...well that's cool!


Posted 10:43 am, 11/10/2009

Radio Giant...I'm right there with you...there was mention of just getting together, trading books, and what we like to read...to me that's more my style, than reading the same book and discussing it.


Posted 2:09 am, 11/10/2009

I'd be interested if I could find a way to attend. Book Clubs, however, have a tendency to have everyone read the same books, and then discuss them. Not my idea of fun. Stick to mysteries, with the occasional romance novel or general fiction thrown in, and I'm cool. Go in the direction of science-fiction, horror, or "fantasy", and...well that's not a path I'm following you (or the group) down. We each have our own preferences, and I don't want anyone assigning me a "reading list".

Does anyone agree?


Posted 10:39 pm, 11/09/2009

I'd be interested in checking it out if you get one going. I've never been part of one before, so I have no idea how it even works. :) I'm pretty flexible with times, as I stay home to raise my daughter. Feel free to PM me. :)


Posted 1:36 am, 11/06/2009

A book club would be awesome and I would love to be apart of it. Unfortunately I work evenings and I work six days a week so Im afraid there isnt much I could do. I really hope you guys get this up and running though!


Posted 12:11 am, 11/06/2009

I sent you a PM lady laws. I like your idea of trading books...to me that sounds like fun, instead of all reading the same book and discussing it. I love to read, but sometimes it's hard to find a book that I am intrested in. So I think your idea would be good.

lady laws

Posted 8:42 pm, 11/05/2009

I work most nights until 6:30 pm. I would love to be included in a book club, if my work schedule would let me attend. I would really like to trade books, and just hear what others are reading, and what they like. I could just leave work and come to wherever you meet,if it is local, I work in the cafeteria at Wilkes Regional Medical Center.I really do enjoying reading and talking to other people.


Posted 1:12 pm, 11/04/2009

So far, I've only had one person to say they'd like to do this...so if there are anymore out there that are intrested just send me a pm...


Posted 11:18 pm, 11/02/2009

There has been mention of starting a book club. I'm willing to head this up, if there are any people who would like to get involved. If you are intrested send me a PM and tell me when is a good time to meet for you. Then we can go from there, have an initial meeting and decide on our first book to read and get to know one another. I think this would be an excellent thing to do...so just let me know. Thanks!

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