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book club meetings


Posted 10:41 am, 07/28/2007

I am going to start a new thread just to discuss the book so maybe others will join in.


Posted 11:24 pm, 07/26/2007

Me too. I am still hoping that she will change her evil ways. (or get caught) either one would be a plus.


Posted 6:00 pm, 07/26/2007

I am not sure what chapter I am on, but I am around page 150. I am really enjoying it so far. It is a good author that can make you love or hate a character and I am certainly hating Cathy right about now!


Posted 12:03 pm, 07/25/2007

I have already started but dont know if I will be able to make the next meeting. I would love to discuss it some on here if anyone is interested. I think I am on chapt 12. (I love Steinbeck's "isms"--the narration part is so enlightning!) Great book. I just cant wait to know what happens next! let me know if anyone else has gotten that far yet.


Posted 8:26 am, 07/25/2007

Sonigurl, this is mostly for your benefit but if anyone else was thinking about meeting today for the book club, we've postponed it. Several of us didn't get our books from Amazon in time to start reading it before the meeting. So, we'll reschedule in about 2 weeks with plans to have the entire book read and ready to discuss.

Happy reading!


Posted 5:08 pm, 07/23/2007

There were 4 of us present. You are welcome to join in as we have just started the 1st book (see above post by noveltea). I am really enjoying East of Eden and am looking forward to discussing it at the meeting!


Posted 1:56 pm, 07/16/2007

Sorry I wasnt able to make it. how many showed up?


Posted 4:51 pm, 07/12/2007

Thanks to everyone who turned out for our first book club meeting. :) We will try to meet twice monthly.
We will meet again at 1pm Wednesday 25th July at Talia on Main Street in North Wilkesboro. We will be discussing East of Eden by John Steinbeck. You need only have read approximately half the book by then. (If you haven't...there will NOT be any literary police enforcement...so come anyway!)
See you there...............


Posted 10:28 am, 07/05/2007

Thanks for all the interest and suggestions. The first meeting will be a get aquainted session. We will decide on our first book then. The meeting will be Thursday 12th July at 1.00pm at Talia on Main Street North Wilkesboro. I have reserved a table.
Look forward to meeting everyone :)


Posted 11:36 pm, 07/04/2007

I have a suggestion--why not start the book and then discuss the first several chapters on line? I dont know that I will be able to make the first meetings. My schedule is extremly unpredictable. Thanks.


Posted 10:53 pm, 07/02/2007

John Steinbeck. Which novel of his should we read first? East of Eden?


Posted 5:24 pm, 07/01/2007

boiiseer...someone has been too kind in their praise. do not build me up for the others are sure to be disappointed. do i know you?


Posted 4:45 pm, 07/01/2007

Not sure I'll make the first meetings...but....I've been told that Noveltea is well schooled, learned in literature from "across the pond" and is well equipped to direct reading and discussion. Hidden beneath the words on the page in a novel is a world that either whispers or screams.....only the reader knows which....and Noveltea can be your guide. In the meantime...I think I have a Jane Austen novel to read (Noveltea's strong suggestion).


Posted 11:01 am, 07/01/2007

sounds like steinbeck will be our first author! :)


Posted 9:04 pm, 06/29/2007

I've always wanted to read East of Eden. I hear it's wonderful as well. Of Mice and Men will always be one of my favorites of all time. I am fond of Steinbeck in general. :)


Posted 8:09 pm, 06/29/2007

Oooh, I liked Grapes of Wrath. My grandmother got me onto John Steinbeck. East of Eden is supposed to be good though I haven't read it.


Posted 5:36 pm, 06/29/2007

I think the hardest part would be selecting the books to read. So many to choose from! I hope we can get something going. :)


Posted 2:28 pm, 06/29/2007

all great books panigrwi----i'd be interested


Posted 1:50 pm, 06/29/2007

Shakespeare, Hemingway, Steinbeck, Jane Austen, etc.

To Kill a Mockingbird, The Grapes of Wrath, Sense and Sensibility, etc.


Posted 12:00 pm, 06/29/2007

ok blonde moment--example of classic lit?

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