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Amish Mafia


Posted 5:48 am, 08/15/2013

Wake up we now live in another world people do take care of business.Im 56 and never thought I would live to see what the world has be come and how much longer we will be here.


Posted 5:24 am, 08/15/2013

If anyone were to ask the local police about the Mexican Mafia running drugs through Wilkes, do you think they'd admit it?


Posted 10:21 pm, 08/14/2013

Nope, it's a reality show. At least that's how they started it. Then after lots of criticism they tried to say, "we'll, some things are reenactments of real events" but when questioned about it, the local police department said they have never heard of any of such events or people


Posted 9:36 pm, 08/14/2013

I didn't think it was a reality show from the previews. I thought it was like Modern Family, where they're more or less making fun of reality shows.


Posted 1:16 pm, 08/14/2013

I do not watch the supposed reality television shows. In fact I hardly watch television at all. I would prefer a good book or doing something constructive instead. No offense, jmo.


Posted 12:30 pm, 08/14/2013

Back in the late ninety's they busted a couple of them for trafficking coke with the Pagans, No lie. Was In P.A. A friend of mine sent me clippings.


Posted 12:27 pm, 08/14/2013

The kind of show that really insults a mans intelligence.


Posted 12:25 pm, 08/14/2013

speaking of fake!...read this from 4 days ago


Posted 12:21 pm, 08/14/2013

hogwash! of course it's real!...just like the searching for bigfoot show. all reality tv is REAL!


Posted 12:20 pm, 08/14/2013

It's completely fake


Posted 12:17 pm, 08/14/2013

What goes clip clop,bang,bang, clip clop. A Amish drive by.


Posted 12:08 pm, 08/14/2013

I'm not sure of the spelling but "Rumspringa" or something like that Is where the young Amish are allowed to go out Into the outside world and decide whether they want to live Amish or not.


Posted 12:01 pm, 08/14/2013

The teenagers leaving for a year is something that really occurs or is an option.

I've lived around Amish and the only thing I ever saw that was deadly, was kids driving the horse and cart at night.


Posted 11:44 am, 08/14/2013

Comes down to it, it's all about the MONEY!!


Posted 10:28 am, 08/14/2013

The words Amish and Mafia just don't belong in the same sentence together.

I also watched an episode or two of the Amish kids that were trying out the real world and deciding which world they wanted to live in. I'd say that really does go on. But the whole mafia thing seems a little farfetched.


Posted 10:06 am, 08/14/2013

i saw it once because i couldnt find the remote and was just too tired to get up and hange the channel. that has got to be the most made up crap on tv so far. i know real Amish families, they do not have machine guns, tatoo's covering thier entire backs, cell phones, or jacked up trucks. They are quiet, peacefull people. And the girl Ester on the show must be thier town "ho"..... i now, make sure the remote is on top of the tv so i dont lose it again. that was 30 minutes of my life i'll never get back again. lol


Posted 9:33 am, 08/14/2013

I've watched it , interesting but it left me wondering how much is real and how much is made up. Wonder if our Amish community has a Levi telling them what to do.


Posted 9:24 am, 08/14/2013


Posted 8:22 am, 08/14/2013

They have another show about young Amish moving to the big city. I haven't seen it, just previews but I thought they didn't use electricity or watch TV, How are they making TV shows now?


Posted 6:11 am, 08/14/2013

Antithesis: Not only crazy, but weird, too.

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