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American Idol


Posted 1:10 pm, 05/23/2014

I don't care for this show either. I think it sucks and is boring to the point of tears!


Posted 8:26 am, 05/23/2014

He shouted, he did not sing.. I did not care for him, But, I really do not care for that show. I did not watch the final show that is how much I really care.

wrestling Grandpa

Posted 7:20 am, 05/23/2014

I am glad he won....the young lady was good but Caleb Johnson just out shined her.... will look for a CD out soon from this young man.....Congrats...

generic posts

Posted 10:41 pm, 05/22/2014

I didn't know he had said that. I figured he would get voted off the week he said a bunch of "old ladies" were going to get excited about the song he sang from the 80's. I can't remember the song. He probably pissed off a lot of people in their 40's. LOL


Posted 10:34 pm, 05/22/2014

I don't like the word, so I'm not going to use it, but it's often thrown at people with developmental delays.

He was asked in an interview how his views on social media had changed since Idol, and he said it gave a bunch of r-words license to bombard him with tweets suggesting songs for him to do. So uncalled for. Those people love him and were just trying to support him.


Posted 9:16 pm, 05/22/2014

I've been trying to think about the R word.

Racist? Regular folks? Racing Fans? Runners? Radiologists? Right Wing?

I didn't hear him say this but it is the only thing I can think of is REDNECK. This is the south. Folks do say that word around here. I guess some folks are offended by it. Maybe. But most in the south just consider it similar to "good old boy".


Posted 5:08 pm, 05/22/2014

That guy was a jerk. I knew he was going to win, and wish I didn't see the video where he called his fans a certain slur (the r-word). I don't think I would have minded before I saw that.


Posted 5:04 pm, 05/22/2014

No one with any amount of intelligence cares. These shows are for the ignorant masses that feed on mass marketing and are easily swayed by shiny objects

Dang Fins kinda hard there. Ever think some folks sometimes just want to be entertained for a couple of hours and that entertainment at times does not have to be smart to be used as an escape? Not every entertainment venue has to make you think to have value.


Posted 11:07 am, 05/22/2014


Posted 9:43 am, 05/22/2014

More votes for American Idol than for state and local officials in an election. No wonder our country is in trouble.

Because everyone who voted could place up to 50 votes for each contestant. The only state and/or local elections where that compares is Chicago.


Posted 9:43 am, 05/22/2014

More votes for American Idol than for state and local officials in an election. No wonder our country is in trouble.


Posted 8:58 am, 05/22/2014

"Fox has announced that "Idol" will end after next season"


Posted 11:21 pm, 05/21/2014

No one with any amount of intelligence cares. These shows are for the ignorant masses that feed on mass marketing and are easily swayed by shiny objects


Posted 11:18 pm, 05/21/2014

Kind of mean to post the name in the first post, where everyone sees it. Some of us DVR things, you know.


Posted 11:16 pm, 05/21/2014

The Best One That Has Won America Idol Out of the 14 shows


Posted 10:03 pm, 05/21/2014

yes he is


Posted 10:02 pm, 05/21/2014

YEAH!!! Another NC winner & he is awesome!!


Posted 10:00 pm, 05/21/2014

Caleb Johnson just won

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