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50 Shades of Grey


Posted 1:13 am, 09/19/2013

I agree with everyone that read the books or at least the first one......it is the worst written supposed erotica novel, teen age girls today can text message more risque ideas than that writer. I read all from beginning to end in record time....if she said ohhhhh my inner goddess one more time, will prove the dialog for the movie should be under a few hundred words. The book is plagiarism at its worst..remember the secretary with james spader ? His character name was grey just like this **** book.....and that book prompted all the frustrated housewives running to buy fuzzy handcuffs, in hopes their failing relationships would 'perk' up a bit......ohhhhhh please....this really sums it up and they don't have to make a movie at all please watch and enjoy......


Posted 1:40 pm, 09/16/2013

The movie will suck because the book sucks. Even if the book was decent Hollywood would not get the story right anyway because they are too busy trying to sell actor/actress names instead of making a decent movie.


Posted 8:28 pm, 09/14/2013

I bought the set of books and barely got through the first one, never finished the second.

I read the Sleeping Beauty books years ago, now they were good!


Posted 12:28 pm, 09/13/2013

"50 Shades" is a lonely, middle aged, over weight English lady's fan fiction take on "Twilight".

Of course, now you can add "really rich..." to be beginning of that description. It just goes to show that the female contingent is woefully under appreciated when it comes to internet p**n...and that they are way to easy to please once they get their hands on something tantalizing.

As for the casting, I would be more inclined to watch if the young lady cast were more than a "meh". By all accounts, the film makers are planning on this thing being "NC-17"....how very Skinemax.


Posted 10:35 am, 09/13/2013

I remember, was it page 38 in THE GODFATHER that we read over and over in Junior High? Perhaps I am dating myself...but, honestly, I remember gasping.


Posted 10:32 am, 09/13/2013

Nah the sexual content was nothing, it was the spanking and verbal abuse that turned me off.

I'm not against a bit of spanking every now and again, but if my booty turns red and I can't sit down then we have issues.

the shadow knows

Posted 10:29 am, 09/13/2013

Ya'll is a missing out on a lotta fun


Posted 10:08 am, 09/13/2013



Posted 10:01 am, 09/13/2013

I didn't think the books were THAT bad as far as the sexual content. But.. consider the source... lol


Posted 9:35 am, 09/13/2013

i have not read the book but I have heard about them from friends. I think as long as all parties involved are consenting then who cares. Its their choice and they have to live with it.


Posted 9:34 am, 09/13/2013

I haven't read them, but have read reviews and synopsis, its not anything I would be interested in.


Posted 9:19 am, 09/13/2013

Unfortunately, I have never read either, that being said, I might. ,


Posted 9:17 am, 09/13/2013

I've read the books...... 3 times. I'll watch the movie. If you've read them and don't like them, then don't watch it. It's that simple.


Posted 8:58 am, 09/13/2013

I really don't care what two consenting adults do in their own beds,kitchen tables or elsewhere....but those choking fools are dangerous as they are messing with your oxygen supply to dah ole noggin. Now I admit my noggin is somewhat holler but thank yea all the same!


Posted 8:24 am, 09/13/2013

Now let's not discuss the faults of Twilight.

Toshiro Mifune's Letter Opener

Posted 8:14 am, 09/13/2013

I think the worst part about the movie is that they are disrupting Sons Of Anarchy so it can be made. :(

That being said, I don't know what's worse. Twilight or this movie.


Posted 8:13 am, 09/13/2013

I read the poorly written book and that lifestyle is not for me, but hey different strokes for different folks. If you enjoy being spanked then who am I to argue.


Posted 8:02 am, 09/13/2013



Posted 7:54 am, 09/13/2013

I am gona wright a book. Gona call 50 ways to starve


Posted 7:53 am, 09/13/2013

Thats the American way, if you dont understand something, fear it!!! There are those of us in this county that life the lifestyle, 24/7 365 days a year!

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