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50 Shades of Grey


Posted 4:31 pm, 12/23/2012

I thought the books were rather good. Not the greatest. But way better than some. I love romance novels. I was a little bored 1/2 way they the second book, but thought it ended quite well.
No one was ever forced into being injured. And no one was injured. Other than a car wreck.
All in all I would give the books a 3 1/2 out of 5 stars.


Posted 10:31 pm, 12/04/2012

Poorly written - so many great books to read - this was a waste of time.

Forever Cynic

Posted 10:30 pm, 12/04/2012

Fins (view profile)

Your comment added so much

As compared to this much more enlightening one!

Daddy P

Posted 10:28 pm, 12/04/2012

Honestly I enjoyed the first book just for the sheer sex. After that it kind of got boring and the same thing over and over, but I did read the other two just to see what happened with the story line. The writing wasn't great, but they were fun to read.


Posted 10:18 pm, 12/04/2012

I enjoyed all 3 of the books. Just finished reading them for the second time.


Posted 10:12 pm, 12/04/2012

Your comment added so much


Posted 10:03 pm, 12/04/2012

I have not read them and do not plan on it.


Posted 9:51 pm, 12/04/2012

Yeah, I wasn't overly impressed. I didn't even make it to the second book. Why would I want to read about that much sex- I can just roll over and seduce my husband and get a lot more out of it. Way more fun, too, and he doesn't insist on injuring me.


Posted 9:48 pm, 12/04/2012

I read all 3 of the books and wasn't impressed. Sorry but if I was writing a review it would be if you want to waste a few hours read Shades of Grey.


Posted 9:41 pm, 12/04/2012

I agree with you kila, I don't have to read it to know I am not the least bit interested in BDSM. Just like I wouldn't enjoy a book on the WWF, Scientology, anything by Ann Coulter, and any other number of topics.


Posted 9:33 pm, 12/04/2012

I thought it was corney and mediocre.


Posted 9:32 pm, 12/04/2012

I can't believe everyone gets all this hyped about an erotic book! You can say it's not but even the description says its an "Erotic novel"
am I the only woman that doesn't find this the least bit interesting, but actually kind of repulsing.


Posted 9:32 pm, 12/04/2012

No...I do believe it was a man/woman relationship. Thanks for the best, now go beat off :)


Posted 9:30 pm, 12/04/2012

Glad you like girl p**n


Posted 9:29 pm, 12/04/2012

My posting wasn't negative. I was just saying. I too enjoyed the books.


Posted 9:28 pm, 12/04/2012

But there is a storyline. Can I for once have only positive people posting please>


Posted 9:27 pm, 12/04/2012

Oh, it's mostly sexual. C'mon! I've read all 3.. Take the BDSM away and it's just humdrum.


Posted 9:26 pm, 12/04/2012

Read it, you'll understand. Its not all sexual, first book yes, and it continues throughout, but the story line is unbelievable.

Forever Cynic

Posted 9:25 pm, 12/04/2012

A little more wouldn't hurt. Unless you want it to.

Seriously, I've heard very little about the book, other than that it's all the rage with women. What's the big deal?


Posted 9:24 pm, 12/04/2012

Leave it!

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